Why Pepper Spray?
1. Not every threat demands or justifies a Lethal Force response.
2. In Florida, as well as many other states, Pepper Spray can be legally carried into many places where firearms and other weapons are NOT permitted.
3. No license is required, making it a personal protection option for those not legally permitted to carry or own a firearm due to age or other restrictions.
4. Chemical Spray can by VERY effective if deployed correctly against people and animals.
Even if you DO carry a handgun, having some Pepper Spray with you is a great way to round your personal defense plan.
Course Brief: The class will be a combination of classroom instruction and practical exercises. The course goal is to teach you about chemical spray, correct use and limitations so you may be as successful as possible should you ever need to use the weapon.
This is the Perfect Family Self-Defense Class - a legal, less-than-lethal, personal defensive system For Everyone With or Without a Concealed Weapon License.
Course Level: Introductory
Cost: $65 Includes 1 Sabre Inert Training Unit ($12 retail value)
Length: Two Hours
Skills that will be worked on and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Recognizing threats and determining how and when to use force
- What is Pepper Spray and which option is best for ME?
- How to deploy and USE pepper spray for best effect
- Disengagement
- Proper defensive positions
- Methods of movement
- Multiple opponent defense
- Defense against moving attacks
- How to decontaminate yourself should YOU get sprayed
Skills and requirements needed coming into this class:
Notepad and pen
Maximum Number of Students: 20
Minimum Age: 14. Minors must be accompanied by a paying parent or legal guardian.
Course taught by Florida Firearms Training Instructors.
2025 Course Dates / Locations:
Gun World of South Florida, Deerfield Beach
Tuesdays 6/24, 9/23 each at 6:30pm
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Full payment will be due to the range at the start of class, cash or credit. A credit card is required to guarantee your reservation. This card will not be charged unless you incur one of the following fees:
$35 Late Cancellation Fee for changes or cancellations made within 7 days of class.
$65 No Show Fee for cancellations received with 24 hours of the class and no shows.
Michael Janich, Founder and Lead Instructor of Martial Blade Concepts, is the preeminent expert in using a folding pocket knife to fight with; and he also teaches how to DEFEND against an aggressor with a knife. These are lifesaving skills taught by an industry expert. Apart from being a member of the elite International Close-Combat Instructors Association, he worked for 11 years a co-host and subject matter expert on the award winning The Best Defense TV Show on The Outdoor Channel .
He is the sole author of six fighting books and co-author of seven, including “Bullseyes Don’t Shoot Back” which he wrote with the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate. Janich has also been featured in more than 20 instructional videos on defensive edged-weapon use. Currently, he is serving as the Special Projects Coordinator for The Spyderco Knife Company.
Florida Firearms Training is very proud to partner with Michael Janich to offer our students his outstanding self-defense training. The program Mr. Janich has developed is based on facts, physics and physiology - which our students know we value highly in our firearms training. His program is approachable for students of all skill levels and physical abilities; and is proven to work. We are lucky to be able to host Mr. Janich once or twice a year so that our students may learn from him directly. Don't miss out on these rare opportunities.
For more information about Michael Janich and Martial Blade Concepts, pleasevisit www.martialbladeconcepts.com .
In Florida we can carry pocket knives into many places where firearms are NOT permitted. As such,
many concealed weapons license holders carry a folding knife of some sort. Most of us use it as a
tool and consider it as a potential last resort weapon in a lethal threat scenario, but how many of you
have actually trained in the realities of how to fight with it?
Florida Firearms Training is excited and very proud to announce that we have been selected AGAIN
to host world-famous instructor, author and TV personality Michael Janich, Founder and Lead
Instructor of Martial Blade Concepts, for a Folding Knife Fighting and Defense Class here in
Florida! Click Here for Instructor Bio.
Course Brief: Comprehensive instruction in practical unarmed defenses against common edged and contact-distance weapon attacks, as well as using those same skills as a platform for using a knife in personal defense. Appropriate for all skill levels, it begins with a detailed explanation of the logic of the Martial Blade Concepts (MBC) and Counter-Blade Concepts (CBC) systems and the key differences between martial arts skills and realistic self-defense. It then presents step-by-step instruction in the fundamental skills of unarmed defenses against contact-distance-weapon attacks (CBC). Finally, it adds the knife to those skills to create a simplified, extremely practical system of MBC tactics.
Course Philosophy: Counter-Blade Concepts (CBC) is a simple, straightforward system of unarmed self-defense against knives and other contact-distance weapons. Its tactics have been proven in numerous real-world encounters and have been adopted and applied by various law enforcement, corrections, and specialized government agencies.
Martial Blade Concepts (MBC) is an edged-weapon system specifically designed to meet the needs of today’s concerned citizen and armed professional. Based on Michael Janich’s extensive analysis of the Filipino martial arts and many other systems, MBC takes combat-proven tactics and adapts them to modern tools, threats, and legal concerns.
Like all real self-defense, MBC tactics focus on “stopping power” - the ability to immediately and decisively stop an assailant from continuing his attack. To this end, MBC emphasizes an in-depth understanding of human physiology and the most effective methods of targeting key structures with small, legal-to-carry knives. Sometimes called “biomechanical targeting,” this approach has been thoroughly reviewed and validated by leading experts in the field of tactical medicine.
This unique course integrates these two systems using Janich’s philosophy of “CBC as MBC,” which combines the unarmed and knife-based skills into a cohesive, easy-to-learn system.
Course Level: Introductory to Intermediate
Cost: $500 Price includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Catered Lunch Each Day, Digital Copy of Counter-Blade Concepts Advanced Concepts Video to prepare for the seminar ($24.95 value) and a
Spyderco® Training Knife (a $119.95 value).
Students will have the option at time of booking to select their preferred Spyderco® Training Knife.
The Spyderco® Endura®4 has a 5" handle while the Delica®4 has a 4.25" handle and may be a better fit for those with small and medium-sized hands.
Past MBC students who currently own a Red Spyderco® Trainer Blade may select the RETAKE Student option for $435
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Understanding the characteristics of typical knife attacks
- Dispelling the myths of the “21-foot rule”
- Realistic unarmed defenses against common knife and impact-weapon attacks
- Fundamentals of in-fight weapons access and “earning your draw”
- Understanding the destructive capacity of the knife
- The critical difference between lethality and stopping power
- Effective anatomical targeting
- Dispelling the myths of traditional knife tactics
- Knife selection, carry, and high-speed deployment
- Knife grips and cutting mechanics
- MBC’s Zone Defense system
- Using CBC skills as a platform for knife-based tactics
- Reflex training drills
- Pre-fight and in-fight weapon deployment tactics
- Selected stand-alone elements of the MBC curriculum
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- No prior knife fighting or self-defense training is necessary.
- Due to the nature of the course, all students must be physically able and willing to participate in two
days of physical activity. Most of the class time will be spent standing or moving on your feet.
- Students must make instructor aware of any medical issues or previous injuries.
- Minimum age 18 years.
Equipment List:
- Clear or light-colored protective eyewear
- Armguard (McDavid Model 478 Compression Thigh Wrap or similar. Yes, we are recommending a Thight Wrap to be used as a Armguard.)
- Must wear closed-toe athletic shoes and clothing that allows them to move freely
- No v-neck or tank top shirts.
- Pants with pockets.
- Must remove all jewelry prior to the beginning of class.
- Concealed carry license holders are welcome to wear their holsters with blue guns or other inert
training handguns.
- Participants are also welcome to bring their live-blade carry knives for critique and discussion.
NO live weapons will be allowed on the training floor.
Maximum Class Size: 24
Minimum Class Size: 20
2025 Course Dates / Locations:
Offsite at Community Center
in Palm City, FL (Martin County. Exact address provided in confirmation email)
Saturday - Sunday 7/12-13
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Full Prepayment is required at the time of booking.
Bookings for this event can only be made by purchasing a prepaid spot in our online store.
If you need to cancel your reservation, this amount is fully refundable MINUS a $50 administrative fee until One Month prior to the Course Date. Changes or Cancellations received Less Than One Month prior to the Course Date will forfeit the entire prepayment.
Course Brief: To many CCW permit holders, the solution to a knife-armed threat is simple: shoot him. After all, “he brought a knife to a gunfight,” right? Unfortunately, knife attacks aren’t that simple. Without a realistic understanding of how knife and other contact-distance weapon attacks occur, it’s more accurate to say “you brought a holstered gun to a stabbing—yours.” In this dynamic course, Michael Janich, founder of Counter-Blade Concepts (CBC) and former co-host of the long-running TV series The Best Defense, integrates the skills of his proven CBC system with close-range gunfighting. The result is a dynamic approach to close-quarters self-defense that enables you to survive a sudden attack, “earn your draw,” and finish the fight with your handgun. Click Here for Instructor Bio.
This reality-based course combines hands-on unarmed tactics with the use of blue guns and laser SIRT pistols. It does not include any live-fire components. Blue guns and SIRT pistols will be provided.
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $500 Price includes 2 Days Instruction by Guest Instructor plus Assistant Instructors, Lunch Each Day, Digital Copy of Counter-Blade Concepts Video to prepare for the seminar ($44.95 value) and SIRT pistol rental.
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- The characteristics of typical knife and impact-weapon attacks
- Dispelling the myths of the “21-foot rule”
- Angles of Attack and the CBC Zone Defense system
- Realistic unarmed defenses against common knife and impact-weapon attacks
- Fundamentals of in-fight weapons access and “earning your draw”
- The Guarded Draw
- Close-range tactical movement
- Contact-distance shooting methods
- Point shooting and alternative sighting methods
- Handgun retention tactics for civilians
- The when and how of striking with handguns
- Total skill integration and contextual applications
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Due to the nature of the course, all students must be physically able and willing to participate in two
days of physical activity. Most of the class time will be spent standing or moving on your feet.
- Students must make instructor aware of any medical issues or previous injuries.
- Minimum age 18 years.
Recommended Prerequisites:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level Two or comparable training
- Prior MBC training such as Practical Self-Defense: A Counter-Blade Concepts, Practical Unarmed Combatives, and Counter-Gun Concepts Skills Course, or Practical Self-Defense with Knives
Maximum Class Size: 18
2025 Course Dates / Locations:
No 2025 Course Dates
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Full Prepayment is required at the time of booking.
Bookings for this event can only be made by purchasing a prepaid spot in our online store.
If you need to cancel your reservation, this amount is fully refundable MINUS a $50 administrative fee until One Month prior to the Course Date. Changes or Cancellations received Less Than One Month prior to the Course Date will forfeit the entire prepayment.
This is an Advanced Level Course designed for students who've previously trained with MBC and FFT, and are ready to progress those skills. Contact Us with any questions on how to prepare.
While firearms--and the skills to use them effectively--play a critically important role in modern self-defense, alone they are not enough. Despite your best efforts to remain aware and avoidant, attacks can still occur at close range and before you have the opportunity to draw. You may also find yourself in an environment where firearms are illegal to carry or faced with a non-lethal assault that does not justify a gun-based response.
The answer to all these situations is a logical, easy-to-learn system of contact-distance self-defense that works both unarmed and with improvised and purpose-designed weapons alike. In this special two-day seminar, renowned self-defense instructor and co-host of The Best Defense TV Series Michael Janich provides that answer. Click Here for Instructor Bio.
Course Brief: Developed specifically for Florida Firearms Training, the customized curriculum Janich will present is designed to provide a simple, integrated skills set that enables you to defend yourself effectively without weapons, with improvised weapons like tactical pens and flashlights, and with environmental weapons of opportunity. It will also teach you how to combine these skills with your shooting tactics to "earn your draw" and seamlessly transition from contact-distance striking to use of a firearm. Finally, Janich will present selected elements of his Counter-Gun Concepts system of disarming attackers armed with firearms.
Course Philosophy: Based on Michael Janich’s extensive analysis of the Filipino martial arts and many other systems, his programs take combat-proven tactics and adapt them to modern tools, threats, and legal concerns. The result is a practical, easy-to-learn system that is ideally suited to modern self-defense.
Like all real self-defense, the program's tactics focus on “stopping power” - the ability to immediately and decisively stop an assailant from continuing his attack. To this end, MBC emphasizes an in-depth understanding of human physiology and the most effective methods of targeting key structures. Sometimes called “biomechanical targeting,” this approach has been thoroughly reviewed and validated by leading experts in the field of tactical medicine.
This course will include training in the following aspects of self-defense:
Counter-Blade Concepts - Michael Janich's acclaimed system of empty-hand defenses against edged-weapon attacks.
Practical Unarmed Self-Defense - Janich's system of Damithurt Silat (pronounced "Damn, it hurts a lot"), an eclectic and extremely practical system of empty-hand self-defense.
Improvised Weapon Tactics - A straightforward system of using flashlights, tactical pens and other improvised weapons as defensive tools.
Counter-Gun Concepts - A systematic approach to quickly and effectively disarming and disabling any gun armed threat. Based on Janich's trademark principle of "have a plan and work your plan," CGC focuses on doing more with less, using sound logic and a limited number of techniques to counter a gun-armed threat whether first-person or third-party such as an active shooter.
Developed to meet the specific interests of Florida Firearms Training and its students, this is a custom course not offered anywhere else or any other time of the year.
Course Level: Introductory to Intermediate
Cost: $475 Price includes 2 Days Instruction by Guest Instructor plus Assistant Instructors, Lunch Each Day, Digital Copy of Practical Unarmed Combatives Volume 1 Video to prepare for the seminar ($29.95 value) and a Training Kubaton
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Unarmed defenses against common unarmed attacks
- Dispelling the myths of the "21-foot rule"
- Realistic unarmed defenses against common knife and impact-weapon attacks
- Recognizing, assessing, and using environmental weapons of opportunity
- Carry, draw, and application of everyday carry (EDC) improvised weapons like tactical pens and flashlights
- Proactive and preemptive defensive use of tactical flashlights
- Fundamentals of in-fight weapons access and "earning your draw"
- Transitioning from unarmed skills to the handgun
- Principles of Counter-Gun Concepts
- Basic first-person handgun disarms
- Basic third-person (active shooter) handgun disarms
- Total skill integration and contextual application
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- No prior self-defense training is necessary to attend.
- Although it is designed to empower people of all sizes and fitness levels, please note this is a physical class and will involve striking padded targets. All students must be physically able and willing to participate in two days of physical activity. Most of the class time will be spent standing or moving on your feet.
- Students must make instructor aware of any medical issues or previous injuries.
- Minimum age 18 years.
Equipment List:
- Clear or light-colored protective eyewear
- Must wear closed-toe athletic shoes and clothing that allows them to move freely
- No v-neck or tank top shirts.
- Pants with pockets.
- Must remove all jewelry prior to the beginning of class.
- Concealed carry license holders are encouraged to wear their holsters with blue guns or other inert training handguns.
- Participants are also welcome to bring their tactical pens and EDC flashlights for critique and discussion.
NO live weapons will be allowed on the training floor.
Maximum Class Size: 24
2025 Course Dates / Locations:
Offsite at Community Center
in Palm City, FL (Martin County. Exact address provided in confirmation email)
Saturday - Sunday 4/12-13
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Full Prepayment is required at the time of booking.
Bookings for this event can only be made by purchasing a prepaid spot in our online store.
If you need to cancel your reservation, this amount is fully refundable MINUS a $50 administrative fee until One Month prior to the Course Date. Changes or Cancellations received Less Than One Month prior to the Course Date will forfeit the entire prepayment.