Michael Janich Michael Janich, Founder and Lead Instructor of Martial Blade Concepts, is the preeminent expert in using a folding pocket knife to fight with; and he also teaches how to DEFEND against an aggressor with a knife. These are lifesaving skills taught by an industry expert. Apart from being a member of the elite International Close-Combat Instructors Association, he worked for 11 years a co-host and subject matter expert on the award winning The Best Defense TV Show on The Outdoor Channel .
He is the sole author of six fighting books and co-author of seven, including “Bullseyes Don’t Shoot Back” which he wrote with the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate. Janich has also been featured in more than 20 instructional videos on defensive edged-weapon use. Currently, he is serving as the Special Projects Coordinator for The Spyderco Knife Company.
Florida Firearms Training is very proud to partner with Michael Janich to offer our students his outstanding self-defense training. The program Mr. Janich has developed is based on facts, physics and physiology - which our students know we value highly in our firearms training. His program is approachable for students of all skill levels and physical abilities; and is proven to work. We are lucky to be able to host Mr. Janich once or twice a year so that our students may learn from him directly. Don't miss out on these rare opportunities.
For more information about Michael Janich and Martial Blade Concepts, please visit www.martialbladeconcepts.com .
Course Brief: Point shooting is a controversial, misunderstood, and much maligned aspect of combative handgun training. When properly understood and applied, however, it is also a combat-proven, lifesaving skill that works in situations where conventional sighted fire is impractical or impossible.
In this extraordinary course, FFT lead instructor Will Farrugia and point shooting authority Michael Janich join forces to cut through the myths and misinformation to present point shooting with unprecedented logic and clarity. Janich was personally trained by the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate and co-authored the book Bullseyes Don’t Shoot Back with him. He also worked extensively with the late NYPD gunfighting legend Jim Cirillo.
In this course, he traces the historical evolution of modern point shooting, from its World War I origins in the British military to W.E Fairbairn and E.A. Sykes in Shanghai and through Col. Applegate’s wartime and post-war teachings. He also incorporates the “alternative sighting methods” taught by Cirillo and puts them into perspective with his own approach to contact-distance shooting.
Building on this foundation, Will Farrugia will present elements of FFT’s proven modern point shooting curriculum, which focuses on achieving quick, accurate hits on moving and static targets at realistic gun-fighting ranges using both two and one-handed shooting techniques. This course will include both classroom and live-fire range training.
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $350 Includes Range Fees, Targets, Lunch, Drinks and Merchandise
Length: 7 Hours
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Defining and understanding point shooting terminology - A comprehensive history of modern point shooting
- The British pioneers of point shooting, Charles Tracy and J.B.L. Noell
- The Shanghai Municipal Police point shooting methods of Fairbairn and Sykes
- The Rex Applegate method of point shooting
- Little-known aspects of point shooting history
- The physiological effects of life-threatening stress
- Kinesthetic alignment
- The myth of the classic sight picture
- Jim Cirillo’s Geometric Point and Silhouette Point techniques
- Understanding and leveraging our natural ability to point
- Integrating point shooting lessons into modern gunfighting
- Point shooting and modern handgun technology
Skills and Requirements Needed Coming Into this Class:
- Must be competent with the manipulation and use of your chosen firearm
- Must be comfortable with chosen firearm while shooting in a traditional static range environment
- Must have concealed weapons permit or have completed criminal background check
- Must be safe and competent drawing, shooting, and re-holstering your chosen firearm
Required Prerequisite Courses:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level Two
Maximum Student to Instructor Ratio: 5:1
Maximum Number of Students: 15
2025 Course Dates / Locations:
Due to facility needs, this class is only offered outdoors at Okeechobee Shooting Sports, Okeechobee
Friday 4/11 from 9:00a-5pm
Booking and Cancellation Policy:
Full Prepayment is required at the time of booking. Bookings for this event can only be made by purchasing a spot in the class via the link below. Do not submit a regular registration form. We cannot guarantee you a spot in the class until you prepay via the link below.
If you need to cancel your reservation, this amount is fully refundable MINUS a $25 administrative fee until One Month prior to the Course Date. Changes or Cancellations received after 3/11/25 will forfeit the entire prepayment.
Florida Firearms Training is only serving as the host for this course. All bookings must be done through the Glock Training Website. Space is limited and no wait list will be available once the course is full.
Course Brief: This 8-hour course will help you understand and be able to explain the design features of the GLOCK Safe Action System. In the Armorer’s Class (AC), students learn to maintain and service all GLOCK pistol models. Students are taught about the design of the SAFE ACTION® System, detailed disassembly and reassembly of all models, recommended service schedules, and parts replacement. Learning how to maintain, service and repair GLOCK pistols properly could literally make a difference between life or death. Any firearm that is incorrectly assembled could lead to an unexpected malfunction, which is why GLOCK firmly believes that anyone servicing a firearm must have factory-certified training.
Students who successfully complete the course will receive a 3-year Certification for all GLOCK model pistols, excluding the G18 Select Fire models.
Course Level: Intermediate
Cost: $250 Includes Lunch and all Necessary Equipment
Length: 8 Hours
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Introduction
- Safety Check
- Safety Function
- Field Stripping
- Slide Disassembly and Reassembly
- Frame Disassembly and Reassembly
- Slide Options
- Frame Options
- Magazines
- Field Inspection Test
- Rifling
- Preventive Maintenance
- Lubrication
- GLOCK Sights
- Service Procedures
- Practical Examination
- Written Examination
Course Objectives
- Understand and be able to explain the design features of the GLOCK Safe Action System
- Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to maintain, troubleshoot and service all GLOCK
pistols by passing the Practical Examination and by scoring a minimum of 80% on the
written examination
Skills and Requirements Needed Coming Into this Class:
To be eligible to take the Armorers Course you must be an active/retired law enforcement or military officer, private security, GLOCK Stocking Dealer/Range Program Employee or current GSSF member. To become a GSSF Member, go to https://gssf.pro/membership/ .
Maximum Number of Students: 35
No Current Course Dates
Florida Firearms Training is only serving as the host for this course. All bookings must be done through the Glock Training Website. Space is limited and no wait list will be available once the course is full.
Course Brief: This training course is designed and intended for experienced shooters who have successfully completed other basic pistol to advanced training. This is not a beginner class. It’s for experienced pistol carriers and shooters that and want to improve their skills. This course is not recommended for those who have not attended other official training programs. This course is a dynamic shooting course that requires the ability to stand for long periods of time, shoot on the move, move into and recover quickly from kneeling and prone positions.
Students who successfully complete the course and pass the qualification will receive a certificate.
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $400 Includes Range Fees and Targets
Length: 16 Hours (2 Days)
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Introduction
- Required Equipment
- Safety Brief
- Range Procedures and Commands
- Nomenclature of the Pistol
- Ballistics
- Dry Practice
- Presentation of the Pistol
- The Fundamentals of Marksmanship
- Manipulation of the Glock Pistol
- Ready Positions
- Malfunctions
- Target Engagements
- Shooting on the Move
Skills and Requirements Needed Coming Into this Class:
To be eligible to take the GLOCK Operator Course, you must meet one of the following requirements:
Active/Retired law enforcement / Military, Private security, possess a current Concealed Carry Permit
from your state, or provide a Statement of NO Criminal History from a Law Enforcement agency.
Equipment List:
- GLOCK Pistol with no modification other than sights or external cosmetics. Pistols with modifications that could render the pistol less safe than it was originally produced are not allowed.
- Strong Side, Belt Supported Holster which covers the trigger and trigger guard. (Duty holsters are highly encouraged for LEO, but not required.)
- Magazine Carrier(s) with or without flaps, capable of carrying two magazines.
- 3 Magazines, minimum.
- Belt capable of supporting the weight of the holster, pistol, and magazines.
- Eye Protection, Hearing Protection, and a Hat or Ball Cap with a brim or bill to prevent fired cases from landing behind the shooters glasses.
- 1,000 Rounds of Factory Loaded Ammunition of the proper caliber.
Maximum Number of Students: 12
No Current Course Dates
Todd Jarrett is a 4 times World Champion and 16 times US National Champion who has competed in the action shooting sports for nearly 40 years. With over 6 million rounds fired and a constant drive to improve his own skills, Todd has gained a wealth of knowledge that he effectively shares an instructor. He has been featured as an expert on Shooting Gallery, Handguns Magazine, Guns and Ammo, Downrange TV and many more popular shows, podcasts and publications.
Today much of his time is spent teaching Law Enforcement agencies on how to effectively use their equipment through his work with his sponsors including Federal Ammunition, Staccato and Blackhawk. He has actively worked in the Firearms industry since 1990.
Florida Firearms Training is excited to partner with Mr. Jarrett to bring his expertise to our students. His classes are guaranteed to be informative, fun and safe for all.
For more info check out the Todd Jarrett Facebook Page and the Todd Jarrett YouTube Channel
In gunfighting, Movement is KEY to success.
Competency, accuracy and consistency are all key fundamental firearm skills. However they only matter if you can apply them whilst moving.
Who better to help our students focus on their movement skills than Mr. Todd Jarrett. Mr. Jarrett has spent the last 40 years perfecting his ability to deliver consistent accurate hits on target while moving through diverse environments. Currently he spends much of his time sharing this knowledge with Law Enforcement agencies across the country. This is a rare training opportunity with a focus on personal protection for civilians and law enforcement personnel. Click Here for Detailed Instructor Bio
Course Brief: This 2-Day Movement Class will push the student and steer them into a different type of strategy for defense, competition or LE training. The course will begin with Todd's way of grip, holster, stance, reloading, gear set-up, trigger and accuracy. The remainder of the class will be movement.
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $600 Price includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Range Fees and Lunches
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Accurate and Efficient Pistol Shooting Fundamentals
- Gear Set-Up
- Trigger Control
- Dynamic and Methodical Movement Techniques
- Effective Movement in Six Directions
- Movement in a House or Confined Space
- How to Set-up, Shoot and Move
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Must be comfortable shooting on your own in a traditional static range environment.
- Must have shot at least 1000 rounds through the gun you will be using prior to this class (500 rounds of which must be within last 12 months).
- Must understand how your gun functions and be able to load, unload, show clear. Students who need help with loading or unloading their firearm (or magazine) or struggle with understanding and handling basic malfunctions are not prepared for this class.
- Must be familiar and competent with your chosen handgun and using consistent fundamentals at a level of unconscious competency.
- Must be able to pull the slide back and lock it open (back) and clear a malfunction (jam).
- Must demonstrate a firm understanding of and respect for basic firearm safety rules and range etiquette. - Must possess the mental and emotional fortitude to handle the stress of shooting in close proximity to other people. You will be working from a holster, shooting and moving NEXT to other shooters without barriers between you.
- Must have concealed weapons license or provide a copy of a recent criminal background check.
Required Prerequisite Course:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level One
- or -
- Proof of Completion of Comparable Course such as Clint Smith (Defensive Handgun), Gunsite (250 Pistol), Tactical Response (Advanced Fighting Pistol), Spartan Tactical Training / John Krupa (2-day Advanced Tactical Handgun Certification Course), LMS Defense / John Chapman (Pistol 2 Course), Sentinel Concepts/ Steve Fisher (Shooting on the move Handgun), Sig Sauer Academy (Handgun 104)
Equipment List:
- Your Chosen Semi-Automatic Handgun
- 1000 Rounds Ammunition
- A Standard Strong Side Carry Holster for your Chosen Handgun (Click Here for Holster Guidelines)
- Minimum of 3 Pistol Magazines (The more the better!)
- Sturdy Gun Belt and Pants with Belt Loops
- Two Magazine Pouches
- Full-wrap Eye and Ear Protection
- Weapon Cleaning and Lubrication Equipment
- Pen and Paper
Maximum Class Size: 14
No Current Course Dates
Red dot sighting systems entered the pistol shooting world initially as a way for competitive shooters to gain a technical advantage. In the 30+ years since, the technology has advanced exponentially and their presence has become the norm in competition shooting and a frequent addition on law enforcement, military, and civilian EDC pistols. While red dot sighting systems are designed to be intuitive, reliable effective use requires training.
Todd Jarrett is one of the pioneers of the Red Dot era working with three major red dot companies over the years - Aimpoint, EOTech, and C-More Systems. Florida Firearms Training couldn't more excited to have him share this experience and knowledge with our students. This is a rare training opportunity with a focus on personal protection for civilians and law enforcement personnel. Click Here for Detailed Instructor Bio
Course Brief: This is a 1-Day Advanced Course for Experienced Red Dot Pistol Shooters ready to learn how to get the maximum effect from their sighting system.
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $350 Price includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Range Fees and Lunches
Length: 1 Day
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- Importance of Grip and Stance for the Red Dot vs Iron Sights
- Understanding the Principles Behind Zeroing your Red Dot
- Shooting In and Around Obstacles
- Shooting on the Move
- Proper Maintenance for the Red Dot
- Understanding the Different Type of Reticles for Defense and Competition
- Dot Recovery for Faster Split Times
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Must be comfortable shooting on your own in a traditional static range environment.
- Must have shot at least 1000 rounds through the gun you will be using prior to this class (500 rounds of which must be within last 12 months).
- Must understand how your gun functions and be able to load, unload, show clear. Students who need help with loading or unloading their firearm (or magazine) or struggle with understanding and handling basic malfunctions are not prepared for this class.
- Must be familiar and competent with your chosen handgun and using consistent fundamentals at a level of unconscious competency.
- Must be able to pull the slide back and lock it open (back) and clear a malfunction (jam).
- Must demonstrate a firm understanding of and respect for basic firearm safety rules and range etiquette.
- Must possess the mental and emotional fortitude to handle the stress of shooting in close proximity to other people. You will be working from a holster, shooting and moving NEXT to other shooters without barriers between you.
- Must have concealed weapons license or provide a copy of a recent criminal background check.
- Must be experienced in the use of a Pistol Red Dot. If you have limited knowledge of Red Dots, our Introduction to the Micro Red Dot System will help you prepare for this course.
Required Prerequisite Course:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level One
- or -
- Proof of Completion of Comparable Course such as Clint Smith (Defensive Handgun), Gunsite (250 Pistol), Tactical Response (Advanced Fighting Pistol), Spartan Tactical Training / John Krupa (2-day Advanced Tactical Handgun Certification Course), LMS Defense / John Chapman (Pistol 2 Course), Sentinel Concepts/ Steve Fisher (Shooting on the move Handgun), Sig Sauer Academy (Handgun 104)
Equipment List:
- Your Chosen Semi-Automatic Handgun
- 500 Rounds Ammunition
- A Standard Strong Side Carry Holster for your Chosen Handgun (Click Here for Holster Guidelines)
- Minimum of 3 Pistol Magazines (The more the better!)
- Sturdy Gun Belt and Pants with Belt Loops
- Two Magazine Pouches
- Full-wrap Eye and Ear Protection
- Weapon Cleaning and Lubrication Equipment
- Pen and Paper Maximum
Maximum Class Size: 14
No Current Course Dates
Best known for his amazing gun handling and speed, Instructor Zero is much more than just a YouTube phenomenon. He is an Internationally-recognized, Italian-born firearms and tactics instructor, with a Doctorate in Investigation and Security Science and Science of Education. With a background in the Italian military (instructor in the Airborne Brigade), he went on to have over 25 years of experience in the field of Private Security, operating all over the world. Zero has worked, looked after and trained personnel for various Heads of State, Presidencies, Royal Families and some of the top executives on the planet.
For the last 15 years Zero has been principally dedicated to firearms training and has operated as a Firearms Training Specialist in over 36 countries. He has worked with Government Agencies, Special Units in Law Enforcement, Military Special Forces and Task Forces employed in the fight against Narcotraffic, Terrorism and Major Criminal Organizations.
Over the years Zero has developed his own unique firearms training system and methodologies along with specific protocols, which today are widely used by Special Units LE, SF and Government Agencies of various countries around the world.
Florida Firearms Training is excited to host Instructor Zero for this long anticipated, unique and rare opportunity to train with this legend. Come listen, learn, and experience Instructor Zero.
For more info check out the Team Zero webpage, Instructor Zero Facebook Page, and the Team Zero YouTube Channel.
Course Brief: The ARES Professional Firearms Training Protocol is oriented to the development and implementation of the fundamentals of shooting, fundamental to the mechanics of shooting and to the development of the related biomechanics. This 2-Day Open Enrollment Course will provide you with guidance for the correct use of the handgun through Dry and Live Fire exercises. Click Here for Detailed Instructor Bio
Course Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Cost: $700 includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Range Fees and Lunches
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- MINDSET: Introduction of the “Combat Mindset”, The Training environment and the Applicative environment, The "RELEVANCE RATIO", Definition of ACTION/REACTION concept, Introduction to "The brain Process", Mechanical Reaction and Cognitive Reaction, The 3 main reaction inputs
- TRAINING : The 4 pillars of defense, The "target" myth, The technology as support of training, Exercises, Protocols and Drills
- SHOOTING FUNDAMENTALS: Firearm/Body Interaction, Grip, Trigger management, Focus, Stances
- THE DRAW: The 3 main conditions, Firearm Presentation, The dynamics of the draw
- DCS - Dynamic Combat Stances: Offensive options, Neutral Options, Footwork, Center of Gravity Control, Leg work, Upper body work
- FIREARM MANIPULATION: Load Options, Reload Options, Malfunctions and Emergencies
- 6 PLANES OF WORK INTRODUCTION: High, Medium, Low - Ground Combat
- DRILLS: During the course multiple specific live fire and dry fire Drills will be carried out according to the general program. WARNING The exercises will be evaluated and established according to the average level of the course and they will be selected at the moment by the Instructors.
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Must be comfortable shooting on your own in a traditional static range environment.
- Must have shot at least 1000 rounds through the gun you will be using prior to this class (500 rounds of which must be within last 12 months).
- Must understand how your gun functions and be able to load, unload, show clear. Students who need help with loading or unloading their firearm (or magazine) or struggle with understanding and handling basic malfunctions are not prepared for this class.
- Must be familiar and competent with your chosen handgun and using consistent fundamentals at a level of unconscious competency.
- For semi-automatic handguns, must be able to pull the slide back and lock it open (back) and clear a malfunction (jam).
- Must demonstrate a firm understanding of and respect for basic firearm safety rules and range etiquette.
- Must possess the mental and emotional fortitude to handle the stress of shooting in close proximity to other people. You will be working from a holster, shooting and moving NEXT to other shooters without barriers between you.
- Must have concealed weapons license or provide a copy of a recent criminal background check.
Required Prerequisite Course:
None. However, all students must meet the above requirements at minimum. Any student that arrives unprepared for class will not be allowed to participate and no refund or credit will be issued. If you have any questions about the required equipment or how to prepare for this course, call or email us to discuss.
Equipment List:
- Your Chosen Semi-Automatic Handgun
- 400 Rounds Ammunition (Must be Factory Ammunition in original packaging)
- A Standard Strong Side Carry Holster for your Chosen Handgun (Must be Belt-Mounted Outside-the-Waistband Click Here for Additonal Holster Guidelines)
- Minimum of 3 Pistol Magazines (The more the better!)
- Sturdy Gun Belt and Pants with Belt Loops
- Two Magazine Pouches
- Full-wrap Eye and Ear Protection
- Weapon Cleaning and Lubrication Equipment
- Pen and Paper Maximum
Maximum Class Size: 20
No Current Course Dates
Course Brief: This course is about pairing the intellectual side of tactical preparation with your practical firearms training. Click Here for Detailed Instructor Bio
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $700 includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Range Fees and Lunches
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- MINDSET : The pillars of training, The standards of Professional Training, The difference between Mechanical and Cognitive training, How to organize training with firearm (handgun) professionally, Data and records management, Build the Training Book
- ENVIRONMENT AND CCW: Macro and Micro Environments, Urban context, Home Context, Vehicle Context, Day light/ Low light, CQB Dynamics
- AWARENESS/ATTENTION as a life style
- SHOOTING PROCEDURES: Shooting and safety Procedures
- STRESS MANAGEMENT: Stress Stroke, Stress Pathologies, Physiology of Stress
- PLANES OF WORK: High, Medium, Low ( Ground Combat )
- THE INVERT COMFORT ZONE: How to create the proper Motor Patterns, Stability and instability, Advanced foot work, Advanced leg work, Advanced biomechanics of the upper body
- DRILLS: During the course multiple specific live fire and dry fire Drills will be carried out according to the general program. WARNING The exercises will be evaluated and established according to the average level of the course and they will be selected at the moment by the Instructors.
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Must be comfortable shooting on your own in a traditional static range environment.
- Must have shot at least 1000 rounds through the gun you will be using prior to this class (500 rounds of which must be within last 12 months).
- Must understand how your gun functions and be able to load, unload, show clear. Students who need help with loading or unloading their firearm (or magazine) or struggle with understanding and handling basic malfunctions are not prepared for this class.
- Must be familiar and competent with your chosen handgun and using consistent fundamentals at a level of unconscious competency.
- For semi-automatic handguns, must be able to pull the slide back and lock it open (back) and clear a malfunction (jam).
- Must demonstrate a firm understanding of and respect for basic firearm safety rules and range etiquette.
- Must possess the mental and emotional fortitude to handle the stress of shooting in close proximity to other people. You will be working from a holster, shooting and moving NEXT to other shooters without barriers between you.
- Must have concealed weapons license or provide a copy of a recent criminal background check.
Required Prerequisite Course:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level One
- Proof of Completion of Comparable Course such as Clint Smith (Defensive Handgun), Gunsite (250 Pistol), Tactical Response (Advanced Fighting Pistol), Spartan Tactical Training / John Krupa (2-day Advanced Tactical Handgun Certification Course), LMS Defense / John Chapman (Pistol 2 Course), Sentinel Concepts/ Steve Fisher (Shooting on the move Handgun), Sig Sauer Academy (Handgun 104)
Equipment List:
- Your Chosen Semi-Automatic Handgun
- 500 Rounds Ammunition (Must be Factory Ammunition in original packaging)
- A Standard Strong Side Carry Holster for your Chosen Handgun (Must be Belt-Mounted Outside-the-Waistband Click Here for Additonal Holster Guidelines)
- Minimum of 3 Pistol Magazines (The more the better!)
- Sturdy Gun Belt and Pants with Belt Loops
- Two Magazine Pouches
- Full-wrap Eye and Ear Protection
- Weapon Cleaning and Lubrication Equipment
- Pen and Paper Maximum
Maximum Class Size: 20
No Current Course Dates
Course Brief: Want to learn how to get the most out of your Defensive Shotgun? Here's the class. This course is designed to take students to the next level beyond our Advanced Defensive Shotgun Course and begins to incorporate transitions to a side-arm. Click Here for Detailed Instructor Bio
Course Level: Advanced
Cost: $700 includes Instruction by Guest Instructor, Range Fees and Lunches
Length: 2 Days
Skills that will be Worked On and Topics Discussed in this Class:
- MINDSET: Introduction of the “Combat Mindset”, The Training environment and the Applicative environment, The "RELEVANCE RATIO", Definition of ACTION/REACTION concept, Introduction to "The brain Process", Mechanical Reaction and Cognitive Reaction, The 3 main reaction inputs
- SYSTEM: Introduction to the technical concept of Shotgun • Shotgun Ammunition • The Semiautomatic platform • The Pump Action platform • The configuration of the Platform for defensive purposes • The Shotgun for Home Defense pros and cons
- STATICS AND DYNAMIC MANIPULATION: Stances, Load Systems, Reload Systems, Magazine Tube Management in Semi-auto and Pump Action, Safety management, Malfunction and Emergencies
- SHOOTING PROCEDURES: Shooting and Safety Procedures
- SPECIAL ACTIONS AND EMERGENCY MANEUVERS: Quick – Up, Fast Side, Less Lethal Ammunition Management, Injured Reload, Ground Combat Management in Emergency Conditions
- DRILLS: During the course multiple specific live fire and dry fire Drills will be carried out according to the general program. WARNING The exercises will be evaluated and established according to the average level of the course and they will be selected at the moment by the Instructors.
Skills and Requirements Needed coming into this Class:
- Must be comfortable shooting on your own in a traditional static range environment.
- Must have shot at least 1000 rounds through the gun you will be using prior to this class (500 rounds of which must be within last 12 months).
- Must understand how your gun functions and be able to load, unload, show clear. Students who need help with loading or unloading their firearm (or magazine) or struggle with understanding and handling basic malfunctions are not prepared for this class.
- Must be familiar and competent with your chosen handgun and using consistent fundamentals at a level of unconscious competency.
- For semi-automatic handguns, must be able to pull the slide back and lock it open (back) and clear a malfunction (jam).
- Must demonstrate a firm understanding of and respect for basic firearm safety rules and range etiquette.
- Must possess the mental and emotional fortitude to handle the stress of shooting in close proximity to other people. You will be working from a holster, shooting and moving NEXT to other shooters without barriers between you.
- Must have concealed weapons license or provide a copy of a recent criminal background check.
Required Prerequisite Course:
- Advanced Defensive Handgun Level One AND Advanced Defensive Shotgun
- Proof of Completion of Comparable Courses such as Handgun: Clint Smith (Defensive Handgun), Gunsite (250 Pistol), Tactical Response (Advanced Fighting Pistol), Spartan Tactical Training / John Krupa (2-day Advanced Tactical Handgun Certification Course), LMS Defense / John Chapman (Pistol 2 Course), Sentinel Concepts/ Steve Fisher (Shooting on the move Handgun), Sig Sauer Academy (Handgun 104); Shotgun: Thunder Ranch (Defensive Shotgun), Gunsite (260 Shotgun), Tactical Response (Fighting Shotgun), Spartan Tactical Training Group (Tactical Shotgun Deployment Course), Sentinel Concepts (Practical Shotgun), Sig Sauer Academy (Defensive Shotgun)
Equipment List:
- Your Chosen Semi-Automatic Handgun
- 200 Rounds Handgun Ammunition (Must be Factory Ammunition in original packaging)
- A Standard Strong Side Carry Holster for your Chosen Handgun (Must be Belt-Mounted Outside-the-Waistband Click Here for Additonal Holster Guidelines)
- Minimum of 3 Pistol Magazines (The more the better!)
- Sturdy Gun Belt and Pants with Belt Loops
- Two Magazine Pouches
- Your Chosen Shotgun
- 300 rounds of birdshot (specific guidelines will be provided in course confirmation email)
- 2-Point Sling
- Shell Carrier / Dump Pouch
- Full-wrap Eye and Ear Protection
- Weapon Cleaning and Lubrication Equipment
- Pen and Paper Maximum
Maximum Class Size: 20
No Current Course Dates